Amity Intern Program
Bringing the Spanish Speaking World to our Students
Who Are They?
Every Year, SIPA funds a group of recent college graduates to come and work in classrooms as teaching interns. Over the years we have had Amities from Spain, Colombia, and Mexico. Amities not only assist teachers and work with students, they become a part of our school culture. They also share the culture from their home countries. Each Amity Intern lives with two host families during their stay in the US, allowing that family the opportunity to not only support the program, but also to deepen the study of Spanish by incorporating it in everyday life at home
Hosting an Amity
Approximately 12 families per year get the opportunity to host an intern. The host family must be able to supply a separate bedroom as well as meals for their intern for half of a school year. Amity Interns become like family members and many families visit their Amities in their home countries after their stay. It is a unique opportunity that adds depth to participation in the Immersion program. contact Erika Whitemore to inquire about hosting. (families are not required to have children in the program, or even children living at home)